Dhan Dhan SatParBraham,
Dhan Dhan SatNaam SatGuru Dee Sangat Jeeo,
With baba ji's kirpa we would like to share this poem with you we wrote just now:
Dont let your head hang low in despair,
Dont get disheartened that the road seems long,
Even though every step seems heavierAnd you are losing the will to carry on.
No one goes empty handed from Baba Ji,
If they come with firm faith,
Keep on going, keep on going, friend
Even now it is not too late.
We are the thirsty ones
In this inner desert of death,
Clasp SatNaam in your heart
Clasp SatNaam in your heart
And Satnaam on your breath.
The inner mountains are so high
And the dark night so long,
Wolves are biting your heels
Telling you you are going wrong.
But keep hope in your heart
Of seeing Him one day,
Even if that is on your deathbed
then let it be that way.
Sabhnaa teri aas prabh, sabh jee teray tu paas.
Prabh thudho khalee ko nahee, dar gurmukhaa nau sabhaas.
Bhikh bhaujal dukbaday kaadh lay jan nanak kee ardaas
All rest their hopes in You,
all beings are Yours.
Dear God, no one goes empty from You,
the Gurmukhs are congratulated.
Drowning in the terrible poisonous ocean (of Maya),
please pull me out,
this is Nanak's humble prayer.
- Guru Ram Das Ji.
God bless all.
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