Friday, 27 February 2009

Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Words

ik onkar satnaam satgurprasad.
Here is a another way to read gurbani, by author.   Its great to just read what Guru Nanak Dev ji wrote all in one doc.  We are so fortunate that we can have this direct link with Guru Nanak Dev ji after all these years.  Because there are so many stories and myths and interpretations of Guru Nanak Dev ji's life that take our mind in kinds of other directions.  Just going back to the simple Truth of Guru Nanak Dev ji's Bani is where the whole of Sikhism started.  It is pure and refreshing and uplifting too.  Guru Nanak Dev ji very much reminds us that life is temporary, that all is false around us, so focus on Truth within us, get blessed by the Satguru with the Gurprasad of Naam and never to give up hope because we will make it to God.  Guru Nanak Dev ji says He himself is a sacrifice to the one who go for Naam.
dust of your feet

Thursday, 26 February 2009

prevent cancer - pray for a healthly lifestyle

satnaam ji,
dandauth bandhana ji (prostration greetings).
Alot of people think getting cancer is just bad luck and its out of their hands as to wether they get this disease or not.
Then they carry on with their life as normal.  Well, most cancer and other diseases prevalent in western society is
due to our lifestyle.  Bad diet, no excercise, stress, drinking alcohol and smoking are the major causes.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that "aapay beej aapah hee khao ... What we sow is what we reap" and that applies not just to spirituality, but also
to the food, drink, drugs and stressful hurtful words we put in our mouth with the result of disease in our body.
"Nanak fikay boliaa tan mun fikaa hoi" Guru Nanak Dev Ji says "speaking bitter words results in the body and mind becoming bitter too."
There are always going to be diseases that we cant avoid due to our genetic makeup or our karma playing out, but we certainly can avoid at least 40% (some say 90%)
by clean living according to this BBC Health article.
Even knowing that a healthly lifestyle is good for us, people still dont change their habits.  I know I was reading these kinds of articles for 3 years without being able to change.
So without God's Grace we can't change, we can't avoid the disease that our lifestyle is guiding us too.  Instead of giving up, please pray to SatGuru ji every day and sincerely to grant His favourable glance upon us so that we can change our bad habits.   The change in lifestyle happens by God's grace which allows the mind to change its thinking and the body just follows the new regime.
Another thing that really has helped me is to realise trying to be healthy out of fear of avoiding cancer doesn't really motivate for very long.  Trying to lose weight or to build mucles doesn't motivate for very long either as it is all ego based.   It can motivate us for a couple of months at most when we are really dedicated, pay money to the gym, go every day and so on, we see the results too, but then something happens and we stop going, get complacent and end up back in the old lifestyle.  I have been through that cycle many times.  But this time with God's Grace, I was able to have a different perspective.  This time I accepted this body is not mine, it is God's gift to my soul.  It is for me to look after.  This body and soul is called God's Temple - the real Har Mandir, by the Guru's.  We do so much service maintaing and running the Gurdwaras or temples, mosques or churches, but no time maintaining the body temple in which God - the soul - actually resides and will become manifest.  So with God's Grace this time I prayed that all the good eating and excercise and good thinking is in the service of God's body temple.  That God would accept it as service to Him, just as we hope god accepts our selfless service at the religious places. And secondly, I didn't set any future targets.  The only aim was to change bad DAILY habits into good DAILY habits.  Change from high fat diet to low fat diet, change from crisps and sweets to nuts and seeds. Change from no excercise to 30 minutes a day of anything - yoga, walking, running, cycling.  Change habits of late night TV watching to early to bed, early to rise.  Change negative thinking to positive praise of God in nature.  Change from complaining about the negative cards karma dealt me to thankfulness to God for this fleeting chance to be in this human body and do naam simran.  Change from associating with people that caused me stress which then caused me to seek relief from my bad habits, to associating with people that allowed me to be at peace with myself.
All this has happened by the power of personal prayer - ardas to Satguru Baba Ji for his kind favourable glance so a sinner like me can be ferried across the terrible ocean of the mind.   From prayer to grace to change of thinking to change in actions to a change in lifestyle to longer healthier life.
God bless you if you are at the stage of needing to change.
God is kind, God is merciful, God forgives us, our body forgives us too, as soon as we change our habits our health improves.
Dust of your feet

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Meaning of Guru/Saints in Dreams


I once heard or read somewhere (may have been here) that if you dream of Yogi Bhajan while asleep, he is actually there to speak to you; to give you a message of some sort.

Has anyone heard of this?

If it is true, is the message supposed to be very clear?

Sat Nam!

Harpiara Kaur


So odd that this would show up here today. I dreamt about Yogiji a few days
ago, he was comforting me. I felt comforted, very. He was holding me in a
very fatherly way.

The dream was very clear and lined up with my life which I am struggling
with at this point.

What it means? I don't know.

Sat Nam


Satnaam ji - dandauth bandhana ji (prostration greetings) at your holy feet.
Baba Ji explained to me that God has no form , that is why we call him Nirankar meaning Formless.
So to come to us he takes the form of His beloved one.  So whichever Guru/Baba Ji is loved by you, will be the form Nirankar takes to reach you, to comfort you and most importantly to encourage you that you are doing well and to keep on going.   They mostly appear dressed in white to show that they are from the pure God.   We normally get these kind of dreams/visions either when we are at a very low point in our life and hence are praying very sincerely from the bottom of our soul and that prayer is being answered.  Or as we progress on the spiritual path we encouter many blessed souls in astral form.  They all come to bless us.  Baba Ji explained when we see these blessed souls, just do dandauth bandhana (lying flat greeting) at their holy feet (kar dandauth pun vada ha...doing dadnauth to the saint is a virtuous deed ..Guru Granth Sahib).   If they ask us what we would like, NEVER EVER ask for any worldy desire to be fulfilled, just put palms together in namaskar and say, "We just ask for the gift of naam(god's Name), Seva( selfless service) and Bandagi (loving devotional worship)."
When we are given visions of the Guru/Baba Ji's it does not mean we have reached our spiritual destination, they are blessing us to continue all the way to the Realm of Truth (Sach Khand).  We normally are blessed with these kind of vision in the Realm of Grace (Karam Khand).   We only enter into the Realm of Grace when we are blessed by God who is fully manifest in the heart of a saint.   A saint can bless us through an initiation ceremony, or without even us realising it.  You may go to a holy place and come back feeling different, feeling more connected to God and feeling blessed.  It wasn't the place that blessed you though, it was probably a saint who you walked past without even realising.  A saint who picked up on your sincere prayers over a long period of time thirsting for the vision of God.  So God who is formless comes to us in dreams of the saints/Gurus to reassure us and then physically leads us to Himself in the heart of a saint who will bless us with gurprasad of naam.
This is what I have learned from Baba Ji and experienced in this life with God's grace.
dust of your feet

Sat sangat and sat baba ji quotes 52